Assistant Professor
Faculty of Economic Sciences, LabFam
Assistant Professor at LabFam, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw as well as an Assistant Professor at Cracow University of Economics. Trained in statistics and mathematics became a family demographer. Awarded, among others, with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Scholarship for Outstanding Researchers, and Demographic Research Editor’s Choice Award for best paper.
Reviewed articles
- Osiewalska, B. (2018). Partners’ Empowerment and Fertility in Ten European Countries. Demographic Research, 38(49): 1495-1534.
- Osiewalska, B. (2017). Childlessness and fertility by couples’ educational (in)equality in Austria, Bulgaria and France. Demographic Research, 37(12): 325-362.
- Osiewalska, B. (2017). Wykształcenie par a (bez)dzietność w Polsce [Couples’ education and their number of children in Poland]. Studia Demograficzne [Demographic Studies], 2(172)/2017: 71-96.
- Testa, M.R., Bordone, V., Osiewalska, B., Skirbekk, V. (2016). Are daughters’ childbearing intentions related to their mothers’ socioeconomic status? Demographic Research, 35(21): 581-616.
- Osiewalska, B. (2015). Couple’s socioeconomic resources and completed fertility in Poland. Studia Demograficzne [Demographic Studies], 1(167): 31-60.
- Osiewalska, B. (2013). Transmission of Fertility Pattern in Mother-Daughter Relation – Bayesian view (a case study of Austria). Studia Demograficzne [Demographic Studies], 1(162): 3-35.
- Osiewalski, K., ZAJĄC, B. (2011). Bayesowskie porównanie modeli zachowań prokreacyjnych [Bayesian comparison of reproductive models]. Prace i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego pt. Metody Badań i Interpretacja Procesów Demograficzno-Społecznych, 2:21-39.
fertility, childlessness, the interplay between professional and family careers, the impact of new technologies on procreative behaviour and intentions, gender roles