Short and long term effects of the COVID-19 pandemics on partners’ division of paid and unpaid work and their labour market outcomes (FAMILYDEMIC), financed by the National Science Centre (OPUS-19), grant number: 2020/37/B/HS5/02703, PI: Anna Kurowska, Co-PI Anna Matysiak
The project investigates how the social distancing policies, introduced in response to COVID-19 pandemics, affected partners’ division of paid work, childcare and housework and what are the consequences of this newly adopted division of labour for men’s and women’s occupational careers in the short and long-term. We will also study the role of country-specific welfare policies and cultural norms for alleviating the negative consequences of the pandemic on gender inequalities in the labour market. The project is conducted in international collaboration with a Familydemic network built by Anna Kurowska. The network integrates top researchers in the field of work and family from such countries as Canada, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden, UK and US.
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