Work from home and life of families with children during Covid-19 pandemic: conference session dedicated to presentation of first results of the “Familydemic”project
Economic and social implications of the Covid-19 pandemic for the family. Social policy challenges is a conference, organised by the Polish Social Policy Association and the Department of Sociology and Social Policy University of Economics in Wrocław.
This year’s event was held 6-7 December (2022) and provided a great opportunity to present the first results of international “Familydemic” project, under the umbrella of LabFam. We discussed the coordination of working arrangements among dual-earner parents during COVID-19 pandemic.
We shared our results concerning Working from home and its impact on perceived changes in work-life balance and work-life balance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
There was also space to discuss our results related to home based work, life and work-life balance satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic among parents, as well as the closely related issue of procreation intentions in Poland in the context of working from home during the pandemic.