Matysiak., A., Kurowska, A., Pavelea, A., His unemployment, her response, and the moderating role of welfare policies in European countries. Results from a preregistered study, PLOS ONE, 11 (2023)
Kurowska A., Matysiak A., Osiewalska B. Working from Home During Covid-19 Pandemic and Changes to Fertility Intentions Among Parents. European Journal of Population Studies 39, 32 (2023)
Jarosz E., Matysiak A., Osiewalska B. Maternal Free Time: A Missing Element in Fertility Studies. Population and development review, 49 (4) (2023)
Matysiak A., Bellani D., Bogusz H. Industrial Robots and Regional Fertility in European Countries. European Journal of Population 39, 11 (2023)
Cukrowska-Torzewska E., Grabowska M. The sex preference for children in Europe: Children’s sex and the probability and timing of births. Demographic Research, Vol. 48, (203-232) 2023
Lovász A., Cukrowska-Torzewska E., Rigó M., Szabó-Morvai Á. Gender differences in the effect of subjective feedback in an online game. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 98 (2022)
Lovász A., Bat-Erdene B., Cukrowska-Torzewska E., Rigóc M., Szabó-Morvai Á. Competition, Subjective Feedback, and Gender Gaps in Performance. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 22 (2023)
Joecks J., Kurowska A., Pull K. Is the push by female employees for family-friendly practices context-dependent? Comparative evidence from Sweden, Poland and Germany. Journal of Business Research, Vo. 126 (2021)
Baranowska-Rataj A., Matysiak A. Family Size and Men’s Labor Market Outcomes: Do Social Beliefs About Men’s Roles in the Family Matter? Feminist Economics, 28:2, 93-118 (2021)
Nitsche N., Matysiak A., Van Bavel J., Vignoli D. Educational Pairings and Fertility Across Europe: How Do the Low-Educated Fare? Comparative Population Studies, Vol. 46 (2021): 533-554